Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

Famous last words. You've heard 'em. "I'm NEVER going to make soap using that dangerous lye stuff." That resolve bit the dust several years ago, as the fascinating marriage of art and science that is modern soapmaking lured me in with a vengeance. I also swore I'd NEVER blog. Yep, here I am again, eating a self-made serving of crow alongside a heaping tray of cold-process soaps fresh from my workshop. Let's see what contradictions tomorrow brings; I'll probably break my resolve NEVER to run for President of the United States.


  1. Would you make soap in the White House?

  2. hehehe! another moth drawn to the fatal flame of blogdom . . . .

  3. We all get sucked in to this electronic stuff.. especially if we are trying to promote our handmade items!!!
